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grain elevator 〔美國〕谷塔,谷倉。

grain field

Virtually the only time grain elevators - one of the great innovations in any systems account of agriculture - make history texts is when their owners are involved in litigation with farmers over the cost of storage 就美國而言,谷物升降機從任何“體系”角度來研究農業它都是重大發明之一只是在農場工人和農場主就貯藏成本發生糾紛而走上法庭打官司時才在歷史教科書中被附帶地提及。

All but two of the city ' s 17 concrete grain elevators lie empty , flanked by overgrown railway tracks 17座由混凝土修筑的活動谷倉有15座閑置,過剩的鐵路線在兩側簇擁著。

It opposed the owners of grain elevators and railroads, who charged the farmers exorbitant rates for storage and transportation of their produce . 它是反對那些向農民索取苛刻的農產品貯運費用的糧倉主和鐵路公司的。